Le gestionnaire des ports namibiens a attribué à une société locale un projet de construction de terminal de manganèse dans le port de Lüderitz, en vue de rivaliser avec les ports sud-africains pour l'exportation de manganèse extrait chez son voisin, premier producteur mondial de ce minerai
Welcome to the Port of Lüderitz
The Port of Lüderitz, located 254 nautical miles south of the Port of Walvis Bay along Namibia’s coastline, caters for the southern part of the country, and provides access to markets in the Northern Cape of South Africa. The Port of Lüderitz offers excellent logistical services and links to other towns in Namibia and South Africa. It serves as an important base for the fishing industry and the offshore diamond and mining industries. For the fruit industry’s exports to Europe, particularly grapes from Aussenkehr and from the Northern Cape Province, shipping from Lüderitz saves more than 2 days in delivery time.
With a new 500m quay, two recently-acquired 60-tonne Haulers and one 45-tonne Reach Stacker, the port can provide efficient and safe cargo handling facilities for importers and exporters. Recognising the need for dedicated bulk facilities to cater for the mining and related industry, Namport commissioned a feasibility study as part of its master plan for enhancing responsiveness to its customers.
The Port of Lüderitz serves the mines in the southern regions of Namibia and north-western South Africa with imports and exports of mining commodities. It is also an important base for the local fishing industry.
Source: namport.com.na